Tagged With: finality
Dreaming like René Magritte
If the dream is a translation of waking life, waking life is also a translation of the dream. ” - Rene Magritte When I was young I had very vivid dreams. I still do. Some of my dreams are of an anxious nature, bordering on the nightmarish. As I grew up, I adapted to this reality … Continue reading
Categories: Voyages with Morpheus
Tags: Animation, darkness, demencia, doom, finality, Flash animation, Movie, nightmare, niñez, paranoia, sueño, vejez
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The End
I dream vividly and often, this was an anxious dream, some would call it a nightmare, not I, my nightmares tend to end badly. This is an attempt to remember that dream and turn it into a story. During a solemn ceremony at a lavishly decorated gothic building, where the members of a group of individuals, were … Continue reading
Categories: Voyages with Morpheus
Tags: Animation, darkness, doom, finality, Flash animation, Movie, nightmare
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