Tagged With: discovery
Destino, La Paz
Esperando el ómnibus en la estación de Puno miraba a tres jóvenes rubias tomando gaseosas, riendo y conversando en un idioma que me sonaba escandinavo. Un cuarentón solo, vestido con traje obscuro, camisa blanca, corbata, cargando un pequeño cartapacio, un burócrata. Esta seria la ultima parada del ómnibus antes de llegar a La Paz. Las … Continue reading
Categories: Voyages to Real Places
Tags: Animation, cuento, discovery, encounter, Flash animation, Travel, viaje
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The Enchanted Toy
A story of discovery A story told me by Rudy Morales. Illustrated and animated in Flash by Manuel Valencia. As the holiday season arrived this year, I was sure that after being a good boy, I would get all the presents that I had on my list, was thinking Jimmy while looking out his … Continue reading
Categories: Uncategorized, Voyages to Real Places
Tags: Animation, awakening, childhood, conclusion, crónica, cuento, discovery, ego, Flash animation, innocense